Thanks to our friends, gay-friendly people and supporters of the LGBTQIA+ community around the world from X-Gender Wear Studio

We thank our loved ones on International Friends Day. Proudly, from X-Gender Studio.

We thank our loved ones on International Friends Day. Proudly, from X-Gender Studio.

Our friends are often the people closest to us. Not family, not relatives, but friends. People whom you chose yourself or who accidentally came into your life and stayed here forever. The girl down the street, the kids from high school, the cousin from across the country, or the person you ended up staying in the same hotel with on that business trip.

We thank our loved ones on International Friends Day. Proudly, from X-Gender Studio.

As a rule, it was your friends who witnessed your torn knee when you fell off your bike for the first time, with them you walked late into the night for the first time, contrary to the instructions of your parents, and they were the first to accept your coming out. Surely one of them said, “I knew it, don’t worry,” right?

We thank our loved ones on International Friends Day. Proudly, from X-Gender Studio.

Today we want to say “Thank you!” to everyone who walks alongside us and holds the rainbow flag with us. Without your support and acceptance, the world would be much more difficult and darker for gays and queers; our personal little Pride begins with you and it becomes as big as the whole world.

We thank our loved ones on International Friends Day. Proudly, from X-Gender Studio.

Thanks friends! Today and every day.

Sound created with Runway Video provided by Pexels Subscribe to X-Gender Studio on a social network convenient for you (Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest) to support us and not miss anything new: @xgenderstore Get to know X-Gender Studio:


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