10 our favorites from the current collection of proud clothing by X-Gender Studio. For your best pride outfits.

A selection of random items from our studio's online showroom. Let's go!

Even if you are far from knowing gay history, there is hardly anyone from the rainbow community who has never heard of the Stonewall riots. Like any major event, it inspires the creation of various art, in our case, these are prints for pride t-shirts. Since I like to create something that will be relevant at any time of year and will be suitable for everyday wear, this print was made in this way. 

Unisex T-Shirt Stonewall 1969 NYC Stamp, back print by X-Gender Wear 

The stamped style and dark purple color of the print refer us to a completely different historical moment, which is associated with the appearance of the "Purple Hand" symbol, but has a common message with the Stonewall riots - gay resistance to the existing homophobic order of society. It turned out to be a nice and rather brutal art for everyday pride outfits, I personally have this t-shirt in my closet.

Lesbian shirts of this line appeared not so long ago in our family, but managed to instantly become loved by both us and customers. 

Unisex T-Shirt Daughters of Lesbos Agnes, back print by X-Gender Studio

There was a desire to come up with a certain theme for prints that would not only help create cool outfits for gay girls, but would also unite them into a certain community and create a feeling of belonging to something big. Thus, a rather multi-layered idea was born to create a series of prints for proud lesbian clothing "Daughters of Lesbos", and so far it is difficult to imagine what could be cooler than this meaning.

Read "gay capital" and see what comes to mind first. For most people, it will be New York, how could it be otherwise? Perhaps more than half of the prints with the inscription "New York", which are created for T-shirts in general, have a sporty shade, and this is the best fit for the dynamics and mood of this city.

Unisex LGBTQ hoodie NYC Pride City Rainbow Varsity by X-Gender Wear

The idea of ​​​​this print is not original in itself, but it was cool to combine a sporty font and a slightly asymmetrical six-color rainbow and get such an amazing result. If I were asked what is the best thing to wear to the New York Pride March, I would show you this picture without hesitation.

Any tricolor is always beautifully packaged into a design, so I like to work on designs that suggest tricolor pride flags like bisexuality or genderqueerness.

Bisexuality pride unisex T-Shirt with back print Bisexual Free love, free world, free life by X-Gender Wear

The bi-pride clothing collection does not take up much space in the X-Gender Studio assortment, but these are really cool things that are worthy of appearing in the wardrobe of any bisexual.

Rainbow print is generally the undisputed leader in creating proud merch for any LGBTQ brand. The print for this T-shirt combines three components of the gay community at once: the motto "My life - my rules", the peace sign and a six-color palette that you will recognize in half a second.

Unisex pride T-Shirt My life my rules Rainbow Pacific, back print by X-Gender Wear 

Add this to your wardrobe and you will not have to think about what outfit to put together for your next trip to the Pride Parade.

At some point, it even seemed to me that we had retrained from a manufacturer of LGBTQ pride clothing to a brand making clothes specifically for tomboys.

Unisex sweatshirt Tomboy Crew Laurel Mono Light, back print by X-Gender Wear Studio

It turned out to be so exciting that I came up with most of the existing collection in one rather short period. Someday I will definitely do a review of this section, but for now, catch my favorite - a white sweatshirt with a winning attitude.

Youth is the time when you have maximum energy and desire to express yourself, your life position and live completely wildly. Time of bright parties, first love and desire to remake this world for yourself. 

Rainbow T-Shirt Youth and Pride, unisex by X-Gender Wear

Personally, I love to look at bright young people who are not shy to be as crazy as possible, each of them is like a separate art object, and it's very cool. And everything that I create within the framework of the X-Gender Studio project is what I would like to have, being a gay teenager once.

Self-expression through non-binary fashion is more of a feature and desire of young people. Therefore, large and bright prints are appropriate here, drawing attention to the person wearing it. 

Non-binary unisex T-Shirt The soul has no gender Acid Butterfly, back print by X-Gender Wear 

In the case of this T-Shirt, everything turned out just perfect: bright and contrast colors, a little streetwear spirit, a little aggression in terms of the choice of font - and now your hand reaches out to put it in the shopping cart.

In the Google search rankings for queries like "Best gay travel destinations" Castro Street will always be at the top. San Francisco is famous not only for its vibrant LGBTQ life in the present day, but also for its huge part in the history of the gay rights movement.

LGBTQ T-Shirt Castro Street 575 San Francisco, unisex by X-Gender Wear

So if you're looking for something that will add a little gay pride to your everyday outfit, a San Francisco print t-shirt is just the ticket.

This T-Shirt was created for a large company, such a group merch in case you are going to celebrate some Pride with a group of friends or at least just the two of you with your loved one. 

LGBTQ T-Shirt with back print We love Pride Rainbow heart, unisex by X-Gender Wear 

To go hang out somewhere at the annual rainbow parade in London or Sydney and have such a friendly and proud team uniform - that's my dream.

In short, you can fully charge yourself with the Pride mood here. More T-shirts and accessories can be found here, and you can watch the activities of X-Gender Studio and learn more in our live Pinterest account. Follow us, and see you soon!


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