
Showing posts from May, 2024

Checklist: 10 things to do during LGBTQ Pride Summer by X-Gender Studio

Pride Summer is a season filled with love, acceptance and celebration. The streets of gay-friendly cities are decorated with rainbows as LGBTQ+ communities and allies unite to celebrate diversity and support unity. To make your summer not only fun, but also useful for the gay world, we have prepared a small checklist of what to do in the next three months.   1. Attend a Pride Parade: Join the vibrant and colorful celebration of love, diversity, and equality at a Pride parade near you. 2. Support LGBTQ+ businesses: Show your support for the LGBTQ+ community by shopping at LGBTQ+-owned businesses and establishments. 3. Volunteer for LGBTQ+ organizations: Give back to the community by volunteering your time and skills at LGBTQ+ organizations and events. 4. Educate yourself: Take the time to educate yourself on LGBTQ+ history, issues, and current events to become a better ally. 5. Host a Pride-themed gathering: Gather your friends and family for a Pride-themed party or get-together to cele

Astrology selection of proud LGBTQ T-Shirts for the 12 signs of the Zodiac from X-Gender Wear Studio

Astrology selection of proud LGBTQ T-Shirts for the 12 signs of the Zodiac from X-Gender Wear Studio Introducing exclusive selection of T-Shirts by X-Gender Wear Studio carefully selected for 12 zodiac sign. Each shirt is uniquely crafted to represent the characteristics and traits of the corresponding zodiac symbol. Whether you're a fiery Aries, a practical Taurus, a witty Gemini, a nurturing Cancer, a bold Leo, a detail-oriented Virgo, a balanced Libra, a mysterious Scorpio, a adventurous Sagittarius, a ambitious Capricorn, a inventive Aquarius, or a compassionate Pisces, we have the perfect T-shirt for you. Show off your LGBTQ pride with our stylish and comfortable shirts that truly embody the spirit of your astrological sign. Let's go! Youth, drive, energy - this is all about the representatives of the first zodiac constellation Aries, so bright and slightly crazy prints will suit you. A dashing skeleton on a rainbow skateboard is what we need, because we won’t be surpris